What we do

Paper 4 All mainly distributes academic supplies (mainly school supplies such as notebooks, pens, chalk, etc.) to children in elementary schools (aged 6-15 years old). This is typically done three times in year (beginning of school year, and during the school year). This is an important need for children – notrebooks and pens to write.   Please do have a look at the actions in the sub menu. There are pictures and descriptions for each action/distribution.  Thanks so much for your support.  


In addition, Paper 4 all has been involved in the past with:

    1. Tutoring program, where our African members are in contact with children of families in need.
    2. Summer programmes.


Paper for All encourages volunteers to contact the organization.  Potentially interested individuals, and particularly university students who are looking for a humanitarian summer job, can look at the Volunteering on the field page

Distribution of mosquito nets at the beginning of the 2008 school year

Canadian volunteers contributing towards our distribution program in October 2007