Volunteering 2012

In 2012, 21 volunteers left 3 weeks on a volunteering trip with Paper for All.  This was an incredible experience for them.  Below are some names and emails if you wish to contact them for more details, as well as some pictures:

Sabine Tuffal sabine.tuffal@sciences-po.org
Ambroise FAHRNER ambroise.fahrner@sciences-po.org
Buisson Barbara barbara.buisson@espeme.com
Grandemange Yann grandemange.yann@gmail.com
Laigneau Justine justine.laigneau@gmail.com
Monicat Alice alice.monicat@hotmail.fr
Bailleul Pauline Pauline.Bailleul@supelec.fr
Pauline Vidal Pauline VIDAL <pauline.vidal@sciences-po.org>
Colas Augustin Augustin.Colas@supelec.fr
Chloe Chambraud chloechambraud@hotmail.fr
Axel Racowski a.racowski@gmail.com
Kaloyan COINAUD coinaud.kaloyan@gmail.com
Bendidou Mehdi mehdi@bendidou.fr
Antoine Arduin antoine.arduin@eleves.enpc.fr
Le Moel Marie lemoelmarie@gmail.com
Schauber Colette colette.schauber@gmail.com
Simon Coste costesimon@live.fr
Pauline Fleitz pauline.fleitz@espeme.com
Ramin Farhangi farhangi.ramin@gmail.com