Volunteering 2012
In 2012, 21 volunteers left 3 weeks on a volunteering trip with Paper for All. This was an incredible experience for them. Below are some names and emails if you wish to contact them for more details, as well as some pictures:
Sabine | Tuffal | sabine.tuffal@sciences-po.org |
Ambroise | FAHRNER | ambroise.fahrner@sciences-po.org |
Buisson | Barbara | barbara.buisson@espeme.com |
Grandemange | Yann | grandemange.yann@gmail.com |
Laigneau | Justine | justine.laigneau@gmail.com |
Monicat | Alice | alice.monicat@hotmail.fr |
Bailleul | Pauline | Pauline.Bailleul@supelec.fr |
Pauline | Vidal | Pauline VIDAL <pauline.vidal@sciences-po.org> |
Colas | Augustin | Augustin.Colas@supelec.fr |
Chloe | Chambraud | chloechambraud@hotmail.fr |
Axel | Racowski | a.racowski@gmail.com |
Kaloyan | COINAUD | coinaud.kaloyan@gmail.com |
Bendidou | Mehdi | mehdi@bendidou.fr |
Antoine | Arduin | antoine.arduin@eleves.enpc.fr |
Le Moel | Marie | lemoelmarie@gmail.com |
Schauber | Colette | colette.schauber@gmail.com |
Simon | Coste | costesimon@live.fr |
Pauline | Fleitz | pauline.fleitz@espeme.com |
Ramin | Farhangi | farhangi.ramin@gmail.com |