Since its creation in 2006, Paper 4 All’s key objective has been to distribute school supplies to the greatest number of primary school pupils as possible, starting with one school initially, l’Ecole de la Cité de l’Avenir. Paper4All then expanded to distribute supplies to primary school children in five schools
- L’Ecole de la Cité de l’Avenir (670 pupils)
- L’Ecole Yakaa (150 pupils)
- Trame d’Accueil A (880 pupils)
- Trame d’Accueil B (500 pupils)
- Ecole Dassasgo (500 pupils)
These distributions take place every quarter to renew supplies and avoid what we used to see in those schools before our intervention: writing in notebook margins, writing on top of old lessons in a different color, sharing notebooks between siblings, sharing pens and pencils between different classes, pupils without a reading book or notebook… The need for those supplies is still important and the impact is very strong on those pupils everyday.
The details of each of our actions are available on our website, under our distributions page in the menu.