To strengthen its impact, Paper for All is establishing partnerships and receiving support from an increasing number of organizations.
The Herrod Foundation
The Herod Foundation supported Paper for All in 2009 for the distribution of academic supplies, mosquito nets, storm lamps and tutoring programme. The foundation supports small charities and NGO’s that are working for the benefit of disadvantaged, neglected and homeless children, to alleviate the suffering of children and for the betterment of their lives.

CMI is a strategy consulting firm that supports Paper for All for the distribution of academic supplies.

LACEB (L‘Association des Cadres et cadres En devenir Burkinabè), based in France, is an organization that gathers students, managers and executives of Burkina Faso heritage and promotes solidarity among them.
The Benevolent Foundation
The Benevolent foundation has provided continued and renewed support to Paper for All regularly since 2008, for the distributions of academic supplies to the four targeted schools. We wish to thank them again for their support.

Millennium Volunteers raises awareness and finds volunteers for fund raising events. Millennium Volunteers is an organization that gathers and directs the efforts of young people who give up their free time to help their local communities.

Junagarh Media sells a number of unique products not found in mainstream shops or websites. With every sale they donate to a worthy charity.

Clairefontaine – Rhodia is a major manufacturer and distributor of paper related products and kindly donated large volumes of notebooks in 2009.

Air Liquide est leader mondial des gaz pour l’industrie, la santé et l’environnement,présent dans plus de 75 pays avec 43 000 collaborateurs. Oxygène, azote, hydrogène, gaz rares sont au cœur du métier d’Air Liquide, depuis sa création en 1902.
Air Liquide is the world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment, and is present in over 75 countries with 43,000 employees. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and rare gases have been at the core of Air Liquide’s activities since its creation in 1902. http:/

Paper for All is a recipient of a Google Grant award. The Google Grants program supports organizations sharing Google’s philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy, and the arts.
Designed for 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, Google Grants is a unique in-kind advertising program harnessing the power of Google Ad Words advertising product. Google Grants has awarded AdWords advertising to hundreds of non-profit groups whose missions range from animal welfare to literacy, from supporting homeless children to promoting HIV education.

Deloitte & Touche is the Audit, Consulting, Tax, Corporate Finance company and kindly provided computer equipment.

CSV is the UK’s largest volunteering and training organization. CSV works in partnership with the mass media to mobilize people to participate in their local community, meet social needs and establish responses to evolving social challenges.

The Lapdesk Company has one simple objective: to eradicate classroom desk shortages affecting over 4 million South African children by 2012. Lapdesk improves the learning conditions of children who do not have access to a desk in their classrooms, and gives these children the opportunity to create a better life for themselves through improved academic performance.
The Lapdesk is a very simple, patented product. Branded with the Client’s brand or logo, and made form a highly durable and child-proof material, any child can hold the Lapdesk against their body and then has an effective writing surface, whether they be sitting under a tree in a rural school, in a classroom without desks or at home.

Magical Moments Around the World is a uniting of people all over the world sharing their magical moments in a global online book.
It’s about creating a new spirit of coexistence among the various peoples, religions and cultures within a single interconnected civilization. Inspiring feelings of compassion and understanding between human beings.
A complete and comprehensive guide to every country in Africa with essential travel information and 100′s of tours and safaris, hotels and car hire throughout the continent.

GuideStar encourages nonprofits to share information about their organizations openly and completely. Any nonprofit in our database can update its report with information about its mission, programs, leaders, goals, accomplishments, and needs – for free.
In addition to these organizations, Paper for All is affiliated or received kind support from:
- The Education Society of the University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus
- The EUFA club (Everyone Unite For Africa), Great Neck North High School, Long Island, New York